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Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 Fully Reusable Two Stage to Orbit (FR-TSTO)Forum to Encourage Development of FR-TSTS |
1 | 3 | 2024-05-30 07:15:39 by tahanson43206 |
2 SSTO for kbd512text |
1 | 1 | 2024-05-28 20:31:43 by tahanson43206 |
3 New forum added to test add functionThis is a second test forum created in the new Projects Category |
1 | 5 | 2024-06-04 11:54:51 by tahanson43206 |
4 New forumThis is a test forum created in the new Projects Category |
1 | 4 | 2024-05-17 09:30:35 by tahanson43206 |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 Meta New MarsHave your say about this website and forums. All opinions welcome!
(Moderated by James Burk, Josh Cryer, kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
308 | 9,068 | 2024-09-17 20:39:39 by tahanson43206 |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 Mars Society InternationalGeneral discussion of Mars Society activities and events
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
91 | 1,033 | Never |
2 Mars Analogue Research StationsCurrent and future activities of the F-MARS and MDRS, as well as other planned research stations
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
49 | 630 | Never |
3 Mars Rovers / University Rover ChallengeDiscussion on the various Mars Rover projects being pursued by the Mars Society
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
18 | 210 | Never |
4 Mars Gravity BiosatelliteAn artificial gravity project to simulate the effects of Martian gravity on animals, initially the Translife project
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
10 | 112 | Never |
5 Youth Group / Educational OutreachDiscussion of what the future colonists of Mars can do to help the Mars Society now and educational outreach through projects like GenMars
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
50 | 193 | Never |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 Human missionsCost, logistics, funding, technology and timeframe for manned missions to Mars
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
1,431 | 49,427 | 2024-04-25 18:21:43 by tahanson43206 |
2 Interplanetary transportationPresent and future methods of spaceship propulsion, e.g. fission, fusion, solar sail
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
793 | 24,745 | Never |
3 Planetary transportationTransportation within Mars; rovers, Mars suits, dirigibles, gliders and more
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
176 | 5,098 | Never |
4 Unmanned probesMars Global Surveyor, ESA Mars Express and future probes
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
400 | 10,739 | Never |
5 Life support systemsThe problems of producing food, air and water on Mars
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
387 | 9,561 | Never |
6 Life on MarsDiscussion of evidence for past and present life on Mars as well as methods of detection. No "image artifact" discussion.
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
200 | 2,059 | Never |
7 Water on MarsWas water present on the surface on Mars in the past, and in what quantities? Where is the water on Mars now?
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
124 | 1,436 | Never |
8 TerraformationHow, when and why (or why not) we should terraform Mars
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
469 | 11,514 | Never |
9 Pictures of MarsPaintings, images, photos, videos, animations, movies of all things Mars. No "image artifact" discussion.
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
79 | 2,357 | Never |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 Martian Politics and EconomyHow should Mars be governed? Should there be a planetary government with constitution? What sort of economic systems should be used?
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
222 | 9,245 | 2024-08-04 12:21:12 by tahanson43206 |
2 Civilization and CultureDiscussion on the social, cultural and anthropological aspects of human missions and colonies on Mars
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
206 | 4,206 | Never |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 Martian ChroniclesA forum for creative ideas (such as short stories and poetry).
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
68 | 417 | Never |
2 Liberum OlympiaWiki collaboration forum. This is where wiki users can talk about adding new content and changing things around.
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
16 | 129 | Never |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 Not So Free ChatOff-topic discussion of mostly anything and everything, except politics
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
1,480 | 40,936 | Never |
2 Science, Technology, and AstronomyIt doesn't have to be about Mars!
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
1,362 | 22,671 | Never |
3 Space PolicyLight political discussion relevant to Mars exploration and space; outreach to politicians in the US and worldwide. Refrain from general politics.
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
113 | 3,003 | Never |
4 Other space advocacy organizationsThe Planetary Society, National Space Society, SEDS and others
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
64 | 677 | Never |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 First WordsPlanning the New Mars event for World Space Week (October 4-10th)
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
18 | 127 | Never |
2 Intelligent Alien Life*All* posts pertaining to this topic should be made in this forum
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
111 | 1,717 | Never |
3 New Mars ArticlesComment on New Mars articles
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
51 | 439 | Never |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 Settlement Transport large shipsThis should cover timeline, size of each mission, cost of each, ship requirements.
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
2 | 3 | 2024-04-27 17:46:00 by tahanson43206 |
Forum | Topics | Posts | Last post |
1 Concentrated solar power thermal creation.Reflective forms Mirror Heliostats, solar troughs, flat panel or evaporated tube and parabolic shapes
(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206) |
1 | 1 | 2024-04-27 12:25:10 by SpaceNut |
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