New Mars Forums

Official discussion forum of The Mars Society and

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Forum Topics Posts Last post

Fully Reusable Two Stage to Orbit (FR-TSTO)

Forum to Encourage Development of FR-TSTS

1 3 2024-05-30 07:15:39 by tahanson43206
1 1 2024-05-28 20:31:43 by tahanson43206

New forum added to test add function

This is a second test forum created in the new Projects Category
1 5 2024-06-04 11:54:51 by tahanson43206

New forum

This is a test forum created in the new Projects Category
1 4 2024-05-17 09:30:35 by tahanson43206

New Mars

Forum Topics Posts Last post

Meta New Mars

Have your say about this website and forums. All opinions welcome!

(Moderated by James Burk, Josh Cryer, kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

308 9,068 2024-09-17 20:39:39 by tahanson43206

Mars Society

Forum Topics Posts Last post

Mars Society International

General discussion of Mars Society activities and events

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

91 1,033 Never

Mars Analogue Research Stations

Current and future activities of the F-MARS and MDRS, as well as other planned research stations

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

49 630 Never

Mars Rovers / University Rover Challenge

Discussion on the various Mars Rover projects being pursued by the Mars Society

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

18 210 Never

Mars Gravity Biosatellite

An artificial gravity project to simulate the effects of Martian gravity on animals, initially the Translife project

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

10 112 Never

Youth Group / Educational Outreach

Discussion of what the future colonists of Mars can do to help the Mars Society now and educational outreach through projects like GenMars

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

50 193 Never

Acheron Labs

Forum Topics Posts Last post

Human missions

Cost, logistics, funding, technology and timeframe for manned missions to Mars

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

1,431 49,427 2024-04-25 18:21:43 by tahanson43206

Interplanetary transportation

Present and future methods of spaceship propulsion, e.g. fission, fusion, solar sail

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

793 24,745 Never

Planetary transportation

Transportation within Mars; rovers, Mars suits, dirigibles, gliders and more

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

176 5,098 Never

Unmanned probes

Mars Global Surveyor, ESA Mars Express and future probes

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

400 10,739 Never

Life support systems

The problems of producing food, air and water on Mars

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

387 9,561 Never

Life on Mars

Discussion of evidence for past and present life on Mars as well as methods of detection. No "image artifact" discussion.

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

200 2,059 Never

Water on Mars

Was water present on the surface on Mars in the past, and in what quantities? Where is the water on Mars now?

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

124 1,436 Never


How, when and why (or why not) we should terraform Mars

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

469 11,514 Never

Pictures of Mars

Paintings, images, photos, videos, animations, movies of all things Mars. No "image artifact" discussion.

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

79 2,357 Never

Dorsa Brevia

Forum Topics Posts Last post

Martian Politics and Economy

How should Mars be governed? Should there be a planetary government with constitution? What sort of economic systems should be used?

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

222 9,245 2024-08-04 12:21:12 by tahanson43206

Civilization and Culture

Discussion on the social, cultural and anthropological aspects of human missions and colonies on Mars

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

206 4,206 Never

The First Hundred

Forum Topics Posts Last post

Martian Chronicles

A forum for creative ideas (such as short stories and poetry).

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

68 417 Never

Liberum Olympia

Wiki collaboration forum. This is where wiki users can talk about adding new content and changing things around.

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

16 129 Never


Forum Topics Posts Last post

Not So Free Chat

Off-topic discussion of mostly anything and everything, except politics

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

1,480 40,936 Never

Science, Technology, and Astronomy

It doesn't have to be about Mars!

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

1,362 22,671 Never

Space Policy

Light political discussion relevant to Mars exploration and space; outreach to politicians in the US and worldwide. Refrain from general politics.

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

113 3,003 Never

Other space advocacy organizations

The Planetary Society, National Space Society, SEDS and others

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

64 677 Never


Forum Topics Posts Last post

First Words

Planning the New Mars event for World Space Week (October 4-10th)

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

18 127 Never

Intelligent Alien Life

*All* posts pertaining to this topic should be made in this forum

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

111 1,717 Never

New Mars Articles

Comment on New Mars articles

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

51 439 Never

Large ships

Forum Topics Posts Last post

Settlement Transport large ships

This should cover timeline, size of each mission, cost of each, ship requirements.

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

2 3 2024-04-27 17:46:00 by tahanson43206


Forum Topics Posts Last post

Concentrated solar power thermal creation.

Reflective forms Mirror Heliostats, solar troughs, flat panel or evaporated tube and parabolic shapes

(Moderated by kbd512, RobertDyck, SpaceNut, tahanson43206)

1 1 2024-04-27 12:25:10 by SpaceNut

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Total number of topics: 8,303
Total number of posts: 211,766
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